Platanna Press releases Roger Baert’s first book, ‘Meandering Streams’

Platanna Press releases Roger Baert’s first book, ‘Meandering Streams’

Wednesday, 26 March 2014 08:42

Many fly fishers, particularly those with South African roots, will be delighted with this news because having been the proprietor of The Fly Fisherman, this country’s first specialist fly shop, Roger was admired and respected by countless local anglers.

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Roger has always been a very skilful writer and his prose in this book is typically lyrical, witty, interesting and informative. He covers a most eclectic collection of angling essays, some warmly anecdotal, others tactically useful, all solidly based in Roger’s wide experience of the tackle trade and of fly fishing in general.  They cover the 37 years he spent fishing in South Africa where he was the undisputed father of float tubing, but there are interesting angling vignettes from as far afield as China, Sweden, Belgium, Iran and Australia.  

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Roger Baert

I offer my congratulations to Roger and to his lovely wife Brigitte, herself a fly fisher and an ever-present inspiration to her husband. They have produced a wonderful contribution to our angling literature and to our sporting heritage.

Meandering Streams, Platanna Press 2014, soft cover, 183 pages with illustrations by Sarah Boulton. Price R220.

Copies are available from Platanna Press at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and selected tackle shops.

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